Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Two Weeks After the Operation

Richard sits beside me here at Whithurst sipping a chocolate high nutrition Scandishake and watching "Big Fat Gypsy Weddings" (rather reluctantly) on the tv after eating two poached eggs just laid today by our chickens.

Yes, we're back home! A huge step that a week ago would have been difficult to imagine.

I'm too exhausted to blog...it's 11:35 pm, Richard is sleeping comfortably in bed. All is well.


  1. Just the best news EVER. Love to you both and welcome home xxxxxxxxxxx

  2. you guys; such good news... and I hope someone (or manyones) are taking care of the caretaker while he takes care of Richard.

  3. Fantastic that you are back at Whithurst but PLEEEZE find some better stuff to watch on tv. Really, Richard didn't go through all that agony just to be subjected to hell on earth at home.
    Seriously, I am delighted that your chickens are laying.
    love to you both
