Saturday, 5 February 2011

The Eleventh Day

Everything proceeding well for a projected Tuesday morning discharge. Sounds sticky, but I'm confident it will all go smoothly!

Prof Hanna said Richard could go home on Tuesday after the Wellington visit but I think Richard wants to process this transition home very deliberately. A rather new approach for our dear Richard!

Yesterday, after a full day of 12 visitors, physio, nebulisers, drips, etc, etc we both got better sleep than any day previous. I missed the nutritionist meeting but there will be another on Monday and Francois took audio notes on his iphone which he then email to me. Amazing!  Dr. Patel came while I was gone to examine Richard and said regarding his pneumonia, "a lesser man would probably have succumbed."

Today, when I left around 3:30 to come to the flat we'd already had nine visitors, a shower, dressing changes, meds, a walk around the corridors and a meeting with Dr. Patel, the day duty doctor and Prof Hanna who all arrived around the same time. They agreed to take Richard off a few medications and proceed towards a Tuesday discharge. Prof Hanna examined Richard's incisions and had the sister on duty take out all the staples in both the front and back incisions. So now he only has a dressing on his front incision as it is not yet completely dry, but that's it! Still has his iv port on right wrist and the feeding tube but we're getting there.

Apparently, regardless of the outcome of the swallowing tests on Monday we will go home and Richard will start to drink and then eat slowly with special techniques determined by the test data, all the while supported by the nutrition from the feeding tube. I will be administering the food which is to be delivered along with the pump to Whithurst on Monday.  I've been watching and training with the nurses and feel pretty competent. Prof Hanna told me I would have no's not at all difficult and you can't really mess anything up.

Richard and I were talking about employing a private nurse for a few days or a week but Prof Hanna smiled and said we didn't really need to, we would be able to handle it easily. I know he's right and I feel he knows how important it is that we assume the responsibility for Richard's well being as soon as possible. The final step will be my releasing Richard to assume that responsibility for himself just as soon as he feels ready. Might have to give him (and myself) a little nudge but it will be a gentle one! All will be accomplished in the fullness of time.

Thank you all for your continuing prayers and good energy!


  1. I continue to marvel and be joyful at the progress, and at your persistence, Rick, in reporting. I am so grateful to be able to keep abreast this way...Thank you thank you thank you. My big love to you both!

  2. Great news that you are coming home! Looking forward to seeing you both. Keep well and thank you Rick for spending so long giving us the latest. with love the Raeside gang. xxx

  3. Hadn't realised the pneumonia had put R at such risk and relieved to learn that this is now a problem passed. You have both proved to be such brave and steadfast fighters. Thrilled to learn about recent progress and thank you so much for that. Can't imagine how much of a thrill and a relief it will be for you both to be back home at Whithurst. Hugs darling boys. xx D&J
