Thursday, 3 February 2011

The Eighth and morning of the Ninth Day

Things seem to be progressing nicely now.

I got back to the hospital around 4:30 yesterday afternoon. Jill, Richard's sister and Mike, her partner were there with him having a good visit. He'd already had three other visitors and was to have two or three more during the course of the afternoon and early evening. More lovely cards and beautiful flowers arrived...his window sill is chock a block.

He'd had more physio and they had reduced his oxygen to just 2% indicating that his lungs are doing what they need to. No real news on the eating and drinking front as I think they are just giving it a few days to allow the natural healing to occur when everything will reset itself.

Francois has been a guardian angel and keeps everything ticking over in a positive way. He left to stay in our flat, I got some dinner sent in and Richard fell into a delicious early sleep. We decided "sleep when sleepy" was the best policy in trying to get back to a pre-operative pattern.  The peace and quiet in the room was palpable.

Dr Patel and the duty doctor came in for a visit and said things were looking good and then a bit later Prof Hanna came in and Richard exhibited his re-found agility by standing up and running a bit in place. Prof Hanna again indicated that if things keep going the way they are Richard might be discharged by the weekend. He must be pretty confident that his eating and drinking are going to be restored momentarily. But he said, we won't rush anything. He'd be sure everything was a "go" before discharging. Brilliant!!!! Prof Hanna told us he was off for Edinburgh to lecture on Thursday and would return late Thursday or Friday morning to see Richard.

Rosalind, our sweet night nurse got Richard's three things, paracetamol, antibiotics, food bag and nebuliser all done and dusted so we could get to sleep straight through. Richard had a little choking fit as the nebliser started to bring things up his bronchial tubes, which is a good sign. We're more relaxed now so, it came and went without incident.

The night was easier for both of us but I think a normal sleeping pattern will be a week or so away.

This morning Richard had a sponge bath by two lovely nurses, had his dressings changed, given new stockings and gown and all his morning medicines. The "Impovement of the Day" award goes to having the oxygen taken away as his oxygen saturation level is now normal! One less tube! Now he just has the feed bag to drag around. Perhaps this experience is teaching Richard patience as he has been an excellent patient throughout!

Richard says he is going to be able to tell visitors that he has to go to sleep when he feels tired because there does seem to be the danger of numbers of well intentioned friends showing up at the same time. If that happens to anyone who is yet to visit, please know that Richard does want to see you but his healing  process is still very much on-going and rest is a huge part of it so "short and sweet" is what it must be. Literally, just seeing your faces and hearing your voices for a minute or two is enough right now. There will be plenty of time for real visiting later on. And if I have to, God forbid, I might ask that some people come back another day if it feels like it's getting to be too much. (What me, a control freak?? How very dare you!) To avoid this I ask that you call or text Richard's mobile 07770225536 or the room 415 phone before you come up to the room. You all are a big part of the healing process too but the balance has to be right.

I just had lunch around the corner and the waiter who is a friend of ours has a new tattoo on his arm. "Memento Vivare". Remember to live. I will tell Richard.

1 comment:

  1. So brilliant for us all to receive your hugely informative blogs and so good to hear such good news. You have played such a great role in all regards. Bravo Rick. Sounds like darling Richard is also playing his part with great wisdom and fortitude. How wonderful it will be for you both to be home although the mid step to a private room must be great. Fingers crossed that eating and drinking soon become possible. We are so grateful at the trouble you are taking to share all this with those of us who can't call by and are so hungry for the latest news. Biggest hugs to you both and to lovely Francois too. xx D&J
