Tuesday, 15 February 2011

A Full Week at Home

Hard to believe we have been back home for a whole week and it's three weeks ago, as I write this, that Richard was in a deep, anesthetized sleep with Prof Hanna working diligently over him!

I think, even to Richard, it feels like our feet are at last, once again on the ground. The pesky cough is still there but diminishing. The belly infection is almost gone. Today Elizabeth from the District Nurses Assoc. came in to change his dressing. I called her a Kiwi when she is from Cape Town...oops! She only needed to put a small dressing on the lower half of the incision.

Richard is sleeping 9 hours a day, about seven at night and then a two hour nap in the late morning...eating extremely well (it almost feels like what he normally ate before the op!) doing what one does in the bathroom like he was before the op, exercising well (walked to the first cattle grid on our drive, about 500 yards, and back in the late afternoon sunshine yesterday) and it seems to me, processing the whole experience emotionally and spiritually in a healthy way.

Tomorrow we go in to London to see Prof Hanna and then Haley, our Speech and Language Therapist. I think they will both be impressed by his progress. We'll spend the night in our flat and a friend will pick Richard up and drive him back to Whithurst while I attend an appointment and dive back down a little later.

There seems to be alot less of a pressing nature to write about. Thank goodness!

PS - Nurse Ratchett has gone away to harass some other needy invalid but I fear she could show up unannounced at any time!


  1. sounds like Richard is well on his way to a healthy recovery - much of it, i'm sure, is due in part with your/Rick's unwavering and devoted support! we're cheering you on and singing hymns of praise for you both. Much love, sue, scott, kk and colby

  2. Rick, you are heroic. You deserve a medal for your strength and courage in this situation. All of our thoughts and love with you and Richard.
    Love Ali, Hugo & Natasha.
