Thursday, 27 January 2011

The Second Day

Doctors stated they were all happy with Richard's progress at this mornings daily pow wow. Richard told me he was exhausted though as he hadn't slept at all. He had also been in a bit of pain as they had decreased the epidural so they put it back up to what it was. He's pretty swollen again...something very temporary, apparently.

He sat upright in a chair for over an hour today which is considered excellent therapy for the lungs and chest cavity. He's going to try and top that tomorrow!

When I saw him again this evening from 6 til 8 he'd been bathed and his nurse Edgar said he'd actually slept for an hour. We saw in three visitors who were wonderfully sensitive to Richard's fragility right now but who also added the spice that gave his day a good flavour to go to sleep with.


  1. hi rick I am now in south India so haven't been near a computer since I the day of the operation. It all sounds like its going brilliantly so pleased for him, I am sure he will be out sooner than you think! please give him a big hug from us, I wish I could visit. Much much love to you both jose

  2. So grateful to receive your updates Rick. Particularly for those of us who can't visit Richard and hold your hand they are a huge comfort. Thank you so much and also to the brilliant team who are looking after Richard so well. xx D&J
